среда, 19 февраля 2020 г.


The mounting shown on the part print is a suggested method that could be used. Yes, please see B3. Examples of good documentation include a receipt from that competition year, a packing slip or letter of donation. Is the mounting scheme shown on the part drawing the only allowable configuration? Attachment methods are important for providing for impacts that occur at an angle. Since the required testing is done with the attenuator crushing parallel to the vehicle axis mounting is really evaluated.
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The mounting shown on the part print is a suggested method that could be used. Attachment methods are important for providing 7000 impacts that occur at an angle.

How should this be handled with the standard design? There is no change from the Type 12 Impact attenuator.

Examples of good documentation include a receipt from that competition year, a packing slip or letter of donation.

Yes, please see B3.

Standard Impact Attenuator – Formula Seven

These calculations or test data should be included in the impact attenuator data submission and should include predicted strength and deflections. Are we required to submit an impact attenuator data submission by the action deadline on the website? However, teams have the burden of proof to show their mpaaxx is the required material.

There is one clarification, however.

Deflections must be less than the Segments may not be stacked without glue. More information about the Dow Impaxx foam can be obtained from the Dow website at: The drawing applies for the - competition year.

What should be included in this submission? Mpazx we include pictures, dimensions or other information?

To address this, teams should determine, either by testing or analysis, that their configuration for front bulkhead and anti-intrusion plate can support the requiredN 26, lbf of load from the anti-intrusion plate assuming a uniform pressure applied load across the area where the anti-intrusion plate ,paxx.

The Type 7000 Impact Attenuator is approved for the FSAE competition season only and the minimum required design may change in future years.

Our test results indicated that the specimen satisfied the requirements of B3.

Standard Impact Attenuator

The team should determine the best method of attaching the standard design to their vehicle. Since the required testing is done with the attenuator crushing parallel to the vehicle axis mounting is really evaluated.

The drawing applies for the competition year. The technical inspectors may choose to verify the dimensions and the material and have the authority to conduct any measurements, mpaxz or tests they feel are necessary. If the attenuator is made of more than one piece of foam those pieces must be glued together using a structural adhesive that is mpzxx with the Impax foam.

Is maxx mounting scheme shown on the part drawing the only allowable configuration? Teams should use good engineering practice and calculations to determine the best mounting method for their vehicle.

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