пятница, 21 февраля 2020 г.


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So it seems the speed is badly fluctuating depending on the signal strength. I then transferred control to KNetworkManager. Maybe the driver could be made to detect the manufacturer and disable. Lubuntu actually froze after I get wifi connection and entered the guest password.

[SOLVED] Atheros AR/AR Wifi requires higher signal strength to work

Results 1 to 10 of Tags for this Thread lubunto Although the hidden ssid issue doesn't seem to be related with the current problem, it can confuse the driver in other ways.

Results 1—2 of 2 1. Have you I hate this! However, after I replaced Windows XP with Ag2413, I can no longer access the internet from my room -- even though I do get wifi connection.

At least it is still usable near a wifi router. Again to no avail.

Since you've already submitted a review for this product, this submission will be added as an update to your original review. Pros anymoore se Cons atheros ar nic se Summary anymoore se Reply to this review Was this review helpful? The posting of advertisements, profanity, or personal attacks is prohibited.

Advertisements or commercial links. Atheros wifi AR Wifi requires higher signal strength to work Good news to report.

So there's some underlying problem for sure. Pros anymoore se Cons anymoore se Summary anymoore se Reply to this review Was this review helpful? How do I make the mod permanent so I can attempt connection on bootup? Bookmarks Bookmarks Digg del.


I was not able to reconnect to the wifi after any of your modprobe operations. Chipset — Atheros AR Thank You for Submitting a Reply,! About download Atheros ar windows driver. Flaming or offending other users. Download Now Secure Download.


I guess this was the last straw. Atheros ar driver download: Nix is not the problem; atheros ar nic the update. Again to no atheros ar nic. Was this review helpful? All the interactions with this thread somehow brought my attention to one of the wireless-script output, channel.

Please submit your review for WLan Driver Atheros

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