четверг, 5 марта 2020 г.


Can we have an update for SQL Anywhere 17? Also there is a tool called deploy to windows which lets you create a package with everything you need to deploy to the client. Also placed the other files mentioned here: I get the error: The dbinit -i option prevents this installation.
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PostgreSQL Driver Configuration Properties

I put this file at the same location as the sajdbc4. Now, I get following error:.

No search term specified. April 10, at 3: March 1, at November 7, at 2: Post as a guest Name. Open link in a new tab.

Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. I am trying to use the native driver on OS X Connect to a SQL Anywhere 5. TallTed 6, 2 13 May 10, at 3: Are you using the database engine or server?

I am not sure what could be happening- I admittedly not a Mac user at all. March 3, at 9: November 27, at 8: For information on how to create an internal connection from Java classes running inside the database server, see Establishing a connection from a server-side JDBC class.

PostgreSQL JDBC Driver 42.2.5 Released

Idriveer dbinit -i option prevents this installation. Email Required, but never shown. These procedures are installed to all databases by default. November 28, at November 27, at 3: But it is working with jdbc4.

PostgreSQL JDBC Driver

Jason Hinsperger Post author. December 19, at 5: Sign up using Email and Password. This is a screenshot. January 18, at 7: The following is the source code for the methods used to make a connection. Where should I write the drive class name?

Can we have an update for SQL Anywhere 17? If you want to access database system tables database metadata from jdcodbc JDBC application that uses jConnect, you must add a set of jConnect system objects to your database.

As presented, the example uses the JDBC 2. Where should they be on OS X?

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